Input Objects
Input Objects represent input to a query or mutation.
The input used for hiring.
Fields |
bid ID! |
contactPerson IDIf not supplied, the currently authenticated user will be used. |
billingContactPerson IDIf not supplied, the currently authenticated user will be used. |
startDate DateThis date is used on the draft contract. |
endDate DateThis date is used on the draft contract. |
jobTitle StringIf not filled out, the job title from the job of the bid will be used. This title is used on the draft contract. |
jobDescription StringIf not filled out, the job description from the job of the bid will be used. This title is used on the draft contract. |
paymentTermMethod PaymentTermMethod |
paymentTermDays PaymentTermDays |
purchaseOrderNumber String |
additionalTerms StringThe contract is always subject to the terms and conditions for Worksome’s platform. |
workplaceAddress StringThis will be part of the contract also. The Address should be a full address, with city and postal code. |
customInvoiceText StringThis text will be shown on the top of each invoice once they are created. |
companyName StringIf not set the current company name will be used instead. |
companyAddress StringIf not set the current company address will be used instead. |
companyZipCode StringIf not set the current company zip code will be used instead. |
companyCity StringIf not set the current company city will be used instead. |
companyCountry StringIf not set the current company country will be used instead. |
recruiter RecruiterInput |
closeOtherConversations Boolean |
closingMessage String |
attachments [ID!] |
externalIdentifier String |
The input used for creating approval rule fields.
Fields |
id ID! |
status ApprovalApprovableState |
reason String |
An input for storing the given address.
Fields |
address String |
postCode String |
city String |
country String |
state String |
The details for approving a trusted contact.
Fields |
id ID! |
An input for additional arguments for the export.
Fields |
companies [Int!]! |
dateFrom Date |
dateTo Date |
meta String |
The input used for attaching one or more jobs to a project.
Fields |
jobs [ID!]! |
project ID! |
The input used for attaching one or more users to a group.
Fields |
userGroup ID! |
users [ID!] |
The BBAN input details.
Fields |
bsb String |
bankId String |
bankCode String |
branchId String |
branchCode String |
accountNumber String |
accountSuffix String |
institutionNumber String |
transitNumber String |
registrationNumber String |
routingCode String |
sortCode String |
purposeOfPayment String |
The details for blocking a trusted contact.
Fields |
id ID! |
account ID! |
The details required for changing the email.
Fields |
user IDIf this is null or excluded, the currently authenticated user’s email will be changed. |
email String! |
The input used for creating an approval.
Fields |
name String! |
status ApprovalStatus! |
trigger ApprovalTrigger! |
description String |
company ID! |
The input used for creating approval rules.
Fields |
approval ID! |
rules [CreateWorkflowVariableFieldInput!]! |
The input used for creating approvers.
Fields |
approvalRule ID! |
userGroup ID! |
position Int! |
The details for adding and inviting a recruiter.
Fields |
company ID! |
name String! |
email String! |
recruiterFee Float |
recruiterOwnershipDays Int |
message String |
tags [String!] |
externalIdentifier String |
The input for creating a custom field.
Fields |
account ID! |
fieldType CustomFieldType!SINGLE_SELECT |
appliesTo TypeSupportingCustomFieldValues! |
title String! |
slug String |
description String |
settings CustomFieldSettingsInput! |
visibility CustomFieldVisibility!INTERNAL |
approval Boolean |
apiOnly Boolean |
options [CustomFieldCustomFieldOptionInput!]Only applies to some custom field types (e.g. SINGLE_SELECT ) |
An input for creating a custom timesheet.
Fields |
schema String!To obtain information on supported schemas, please reach out to Worksome. |
data String! |
An input for creating an export.
Fields |
userId Int! |
impersonatorId Int |
accountId Int! |
accountType String! |
type String! |
generatorType String! |
deliveries [String!]! |
args ArgsInput! |
The details for creating a job candidate.
Fields |
job ID! |
workers [ID!]! |
sourcingChannel SourcingChannel! |
An input for creating a new job.
Fields |
company ID! |
name String! |
owners [ID!] |
skills [String!]! |
An input for creating a job share.
Fields |
job ID! |
accounts [ID!]! |
An input for creating a note.
Fields |
body String! |
title String |
accountId ID! |
notableId ID! |
The details required for creating a password.
Fields |
password String! |
An input for creating a payment request.
Fields |
worker ID! |
job ID! |
company ID! |
recruiter ID |
hire ID! |
startDate Date! |
endDate Date |
expenseReports [ID!] |
rate Float |
billableTime Float |
billableTotal Float |
comments String! |
taxLines [TaxLineInput!] |
timesheet ID |
The input used for projects.
Fields |
name String! |
description String |
internalBudget Float |
company ID! |
owners [ID!] |
externalIdentifier String |
The details for adding and inviting a recruiter candidate.
Fields |
recruiter ID! |
firstName String! |
middleName String |
lastName String! |
email String! |
jobTitle String |
currency String! |
hourlyRate Float |
dailyRate Float |
monthlyRate Float |
tags [String!]! |
links [String!]! |
files [ID!] |
An input for creating a new SMS multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
name String |
The input used for creating timesheets.
Fields |
worker ID! |
hire ID! |
startDate Date! |
endDate Date! |
registrations [TimesheetRegistrationInput!] |
An input for creating a new TOTP multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
name String |
The details for adding & inviting a trusted contact.
Fields |
company ID! |
firstName String! |
middleName String |
lastName String! |
name String |
email String! |
links [String!]! |
attachments [ID!]! |
skills [String!]! |
message String! |
notifyWorker Boolean!1 |
externalIdentifier String |
origin TrustedContactOrigin! |
originChannel TrustedContactOriginChannel! |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldTypeValueInput!]BETA. Custom fields on Workers are currently available for a subset of users. |
The input used for groups.
Fields |
name String! |
description String |
status UserGroupStatus! |
company ID! |
users [ID!] |
The input used for creating a webhook.
Fields |
title String! |
description String |
url String! |
secret String |
isActive Boolean |
clientId String |
clientUrl String |
company ID! |
The input used for creating workflow approvers.
Fields |
id ID |
parent ID |
children [ID!] |
data [ID!]! |
The input used for creating workflows.
Fields |
root CreateWorkflowRootInput! |
rules [CreateWorkflowRuleInput!] |
approvers [CreateWorkflowApproverInput!] |
The input used for creating workflow approval.
Fields |
id ID |
children [ID!] |
data CreateApprovalInput! |
The input used for creating workflow approval rule.
Fields |
id ID |
parent ID |
children [ID!] |
data [CreateWorkflowVariableFieldInput!] |
The input used for creating approval rule fields.
Fields |
id String! |
rule WorkflowVariableFieldRuleInput! |
The settings input for custom fields.
Fields |
option ID |
value String!For example: “title”, “label”, “number” |
displayOrder Int! |
The settings input for custom fields.
Fields |
validation [CustomFieldValidationRules!] |
An input for custom field value and to be filled according to the aimed field type.
All input’s fields are mutually exclusive to each other.
Fields |
singleSelect SingleSelectCustomFieldValueInputSINGLE_SELECT field type. |
freeText FreeTextCustomFieldValueInputFREE_TEXT field type. |
An input for a custom field value.
Fields |
appliesTo ID! |
value CustomFieldTypeValueInput! |
The input used for a date range.
Fields |
from Date |
to Date |
The details for deleting a recruiter relationship.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input for the deletion of a custom field.
Fields |
customField ID! |
An input for deleting a note.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input used for deleting a payment request.
Fields |
id ID! |
An input for deleting an existing project.
Fields |
id ID! |
The details for deleting a recruiter candidate relationship.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input used for deleting a timesheet.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input used for deleting a timesheet registration.
Fields |
id ID! |
The details for deleting a trusted contact.
Fields |
id ID! |
account ID! |
An input for deleting an existing group.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input for deleting a webhook.
Fields |
id ID! |
An input for deleting an existing workflow.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input used for attaching one or more jobs to a project.
Fields |
job ID! |
project ID! |
The input used for detaching one or more users from a group.
Fields |
userGroup ID! |
users [ID!] |
An input for ending (aka closing) an existing job.
Fields |
id ID! |
accountId ID! |
An input for ending an existing project.
Fields |
id ID! |
The details required for forcing logout of other sessions.
Fields |
user ID! |
An input for a free-text custom field.
Fields |
id ID |
slug String |
value String |
The input used to generate the company invite link token.
Fields |
company ID! |
Trusted contact hire history filter input.
Fields |
status TrustedContactHireHistory |
accounts [ID!] |
The input used for direct hires.
Fields |
trustedContact ID |
job ID |
name String |
description String |
message String |
rateType RateType |
rate Float |
locationPreference LocationPreferenceInput |
startDate DateThis date is used on the draft contract. |
endDate DateThis date is used on the draft contract. |
includeStandardContract BooleanThe default is to include a standard contract. |
purchaseOrderNumber String |
conversation ID |
recruiter RecruiterInput |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldTypeValueInput!]Details specified in this will only be visible to you and your team members, not to workers. |
company ID! |
externalIdentifier String |
The input object used to sort hires.
Fields |
field HireOrderByColumn |
order SortOrder |
Trusted contact hire status filter input.
Fields |
status TrustedContactHireStatus |
accounts [ID!] |
The details required for impersonating a user.
Fields |
user ID! |
The details for inviting a recruiter.
Fields |
id ID! |
company ID! |
recruiterFee Float |
recruiterOwnershipDays Int |
message String |
tags [String!] |
Trusted contact invited by users filter input.
If null
, all trusted contacts will be returned.
Fields |
users [ID!]! |
includeAutomation Boolean! |
Trusted contact sorting clause input.
Fields |
column JobCandidateOrderByColumn! |
order SortOrder!ASC |
An input for a language.
Fields |
name LanguageName! |
experience Fluency! |
An input for the location preferences.
Fields |
preference LocationPreference! |
address StringThis is not required when location is set to REMOTE_ONLY . |
The input used for marking one or more files as uploaded.
Fields |
files [ID!]! |
An input for opening an existing project.
Fields |
id ID! |
Allows ordering a list of records.
Fields |
column String! |
order SortOrder! |
Order by clause for Query.invoices.orderBy.
Fields |
column InvoicesOrderByColumn! |
order SortOrder! |
An input for the rate.
Fields |
type RateType! |
rate Float |
range RateRangeInput |
An input for the rate as a range.
Fields |
minimum Float! |
maximum Float! |
The input object used for all the information required to attribute a recruiter.
Fields |
recruiter ID! |
fee StrictPercentage! |
ownershipDays Int! |
ownershipStartDate Date! |
Recruiter sorting clause input.
Fields |
column RecruiterOrderByColumn |
order SortOrderASC |
The input for resending an invitation to a Trusted Contact.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input used to reject a hire.
Fields |
account ID! |
hire ID! |
An input for removing a job share.
Fields |
ids [ID!]! |
An input for removing a multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
id ID! |
The input used for setting the internal budget on a job.
Fields |
job ID! |
amount Float!Up to 2 decimal points are stored, the rest is omitted. |
An input for a single-select custom field.
Fields |
id ID |
slug String |
value ID |
Skill sorting clause input.
Fields |
column SkillOrderByColumn! |
order SortOrder!ASC |
The details for updating a bank account details.
Fields |
accountId ID! |
name String |
bankAddress String! |
bankCountry String! |
bankName String! |
beneficiaryName String! |
bban BbanInput |
iban String |
swift String |
An input for a tax line.
Fields |
rate Float! |
terminology String! |
The input object used for all the information required to terminate a hire.
Fields |
hire ID! |
reason ContractTerminationReason! |
comments String |
date Date! |
message String |
An input representing a timesheet registration as part of the timesheet creation flow.
Fields |
type TimesheetRegistrationType! |
date Date! |
startTime Time |
endTime Time |
duration Float! |
unit TimesheetRegistrationDurationUnit! |
comments String |
externalIdentifier String |
invoiceReferenceNumber String |
isBillable Boolean |
Trusted contact sorting clause input.
Fields |
column TrustedContactOrderByColumn |
order SortOrderASC |
The data input used for updating workflow approval.
Fields |
name String |
status ApprovalStatus |
trigger ApprovalTrigger |
description String |
The input used for updating an approval.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String |
status ApprovalStatus |
trigger ApprovalTrigger |
description String |
The input used for updating approval rules.
Fields |
id ID! |
approval ID! |
fields [CreateWorkflowVariableFieldInput!]! |
The input used for updating an approver.
Fields |
id ID! |
userGroup ID |
position Int |
The details for updating a recruiter relationship.
Fields |
id ID! |
recruiterFee Float |
recruiterOwnershipDays Int |
tags [String!] |
externalIdentifier String |
The input for updating a custom field.
Fields |
customField ID! |
fieldType CustomFieldType!SINGLE_SELECT Updating a field type is restricted if the custom field already has values. |
title String! |
slug String |
description String |
settings CustomFieldSettingsInput! |
visibility CustomFieldVisibility! |
approval Boolean |
apiOnly Boolean |
options [CustomFieldCustomFieldOptionInput!]Only applies to some field types (e.g. SINGLE_SELECT ). |
The details for updating the “preferred” status of a job candidate.
Fields |
jobCandidate ID! |
isPreferred Boolean! |
The details for updating a job candidate status.
Fields |
jobCandidate ID! |
status JobCandidateStatus! |
statusReason JobCandidateStatusReason |
statusComment String |
feedback String |
An input for updating an existing job.
Fields |
id ID! |
locale LocaleIf set, skills and industries will use the locale’s spelling. |
name String |
description String |
skills [String!] |
attachments [ID!] |
association Association |
expectedExperienceLevel [ExpectedExperienceLevel!] |
locationPreference LocationPreferenceInput |
location AddressInput |
rateType RateInput |
paymentScheme PaymentScheme |
startDate DateIf this is set to null , we will assume that the job should start as soon as possible. |
endDate DateIf this is set to null , we will assume that the job’s end date is undetermined. |
startDateTimeframe JobStartTimeframe |
endDateTimeframe JobEndTimeframe |
isExtensionAvailable Boolean |
evaluationPeriod EvaluationPeriod |
languages [LanguageInput!] |
industries [ID!] |
owners [ID!] |
requiredWorkers Int |
visibility [JobVisibility!]It is therefore important to select which audiences should be allowed to see the job listing. |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldTypeValueInput!]Details specified in this will only be visible to you and your team members, not to workers. |
published BooleanNote: Job publication cannot be undone. |
removed Boolean |
removedCause StringNote: This field is only relevant when the removed field is set to true, meaning it will not be used if provided on its own. |
externalIdentifier String |
An input for updating a note.
Fields |
id ID! |
body String |
title String |
The details required to update a user’s password.
Fields |
currentPassword String! |
password String! |
passwordConfirmation String! |
The input used for updating a payment request.
Fields |
id ID! |
startDate Date |
endDate Date |
expenseReports [ID!] |
rate Float |
billableTime Float |
billableTotal Float |
comments String |
taxLines [TaxLineInput!] |
timesheet ID |
An input for updating an existing project.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String |
description String |
internalBudget Decimal |
owners [ID!] |
externalIdentifier String |
The details for updating a recruiter candidate relationship.
Fields |
id ID! |
jobTitle String |
currency String |
hourlyRate Float |
dailyRate Float |
monthlyRate Float |
tags [String!] |
links [String!] |
files [ID!] |
The input used for updating a timesheet.
Fields |
id ID! |
startDate Date |
endDate Date |
registrations [TimesheetRegistrationInput!] |
The input used for updating a timesheet registration.
Fields |
id ID! |
startTime Time |
endTime Time |
duration Float |
unit TimesheetRegistrationDurationUnit |
comments String |
invoiceReferenceNumber String |
externalIdentifier String |
isBillable Boolean |
The details for editing a trusted contact.
Fields |
id ID! |
links [String!] |
attachments [ID!] |
skills [String!] |
externalIdentifier String |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldTypeValueInput!]BETA. Custom fields on Workers are currently available for a subset of users. |
An input for updating an existing group.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String |
description String |
status UserGroupStatus |
users [ID!] |
The input used for updating a webhook.
Fields |
id ID! |
title String! |
description String |
url String! |
secret String |
isActive Boolean |
clientId String |
clientUrl String |
The details for updating a worker.
Fields |
id ID! |
jobTitle String |
links [String!]! |
skills [String!]! |
The input used for updating workflow approver.
Fields |
id ID |
parent ID |
children [ID!] |
data [ID!]! |
The input used for updating workflows.
Fields |
root UpdateWorkflowRootInput! |
rules [UpdateWorkflowRuleInput!] |
approvers [UpdateWorkflowApproverInput!] |
The input used for updating workflow approval.
Fields |
id ID |
children [ID!] |
data UpdateApprovalDataInput! |
The input used for updating workflow approval rule.
Fields |
id ID |
parent ID |
children [ID!] |
data [UpdateWorkflowVariableFieldInput!] |
The input used for updating approval rule fields.
Fields |
id String! |
rule WorkflowVariableFieldRuleInput! |
The input used for uploading a file.
Fields |
owner ID! |
name String! |
size Int! |
mimeType String! |
An input for verifying a newly-created SMS multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
id ID! |
code String! |
An input for verifying a newly-created TOTP multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
id ID! |
code String! |
The input containing the rule value and operator.
Fields |
value String! |
operator WorkflowVariableOperator! |