Object types are the most common type within GraphQL, they represent an object that can be fetched from the Worksome GraphQL API.
An address.
Fields |
address String |
postCode String |
city String |
state String |
country Country |
The approval definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
version Int! |
status ApprovalStatus! |
trigger ApprovalTrigger! |
description String! |
company Company! |
approvalRules [ApprovalRule!]! |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
latestVersionId String! |
The approval approvable definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
approval Approval! |
approvalRule ApprovalRule! |
approvalStates [ApprovalState!]! |
approvable Approvable |
viewerCanAction Boolean! |
A paginated list of ApprovalApprovable items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [ApprovalApprovable!]! |
A paginated list of Approval items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Approval!]! |
The approval rule definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
approval Approval! |
fields [CustomField!]! |
rules [WorkflowVariableRule!]! |
approvers [Approver!]! |
approverCount Int! |
createdAt Date! |
updatedAt Date! |
A paginated list of ApprovalRule items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [ApprovalRule!]! |
The approval state definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
state ApprovalApprovableState! |
actionedBy User! |
message String |
approver Approver! |
approvalApprovable ApprovalApprovable! |
createdAt DateTime |
A paginated list of ApprovalState items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [ApprovalState!]! |
The approver definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
approvalRule ApprovalRule! |
userGroup UserGroup! |
position Int! |
createdAt Date! |
updatedAt Date! |
A paginated list of Approver items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Approver!]! |
Contains information about an authentication token.
Fields |
accessToken String! |
A bank account details.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
bankAddress String! |
bankCountry String! |
bankName String! |
beneficiaryName String! |
bban Bban |
iban String |
swift String |
The BBAN type details.
Fields |
bsb String |
bankId String |
bankCode String |
branchId String |
branchCode String |
accountNumber String |
accountSuffix String |
institutionNumber String |
transitNumber String |
registrationNumber String |
routingCode String |
sortCode String |
purposeOfPayment String |
Represents a bid sent on a job.
Fields |
id ID! |
status BidStatus! |
job Job! |
conversation Conversation! |
message Message! |
worker Worker! |
supplier Account |
A paginated list of Bid items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Bid!]! |
A business entity.
Fields |
id ID! |
type BusinessEntityType! |
name String! |
localisedName String! |
companyName String |
companyNumber String |
taxNumber String |
A paginated list of BusinessEntity items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [BusinessEntity!]! |
A company.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
currency String! |
market MarketCode! |
avatar URL |
profile Profile |
contactInviteUrl String |
settings CompanySettings |
address Address |
trustedContacts TrustedContactPaginator! |
teamMembers UserPaginator! |
teamMembersAndOwners UserPaginator! |
organisations OrganisationPaginator! |
customFields CustomFieldPaginator! |
A paginated list of Company items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Company!]! |
A company recruiter relationship.
Fields |
id ID! |
email String |
status ContactStatus! |
token String |
message String |
recruiterFee Float |
recruiterOwnershipDays Int |
recruiterOwnershipDaysLeft Int! |
recruiter Recruiter! |
company Company! |
tags [Tag!]! |
externalIdentifier String |
A paginated list of CompanyRecruiter items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [CompanyRecruiter!]! |
Company settings.
Fields |
projectTracking Boolean |
requiredJobBudget Boolean |
multiCurrencyContractsDisabled Boolean |
staffingAgencyManagesWorker Boolean |
A contract.
Fields |
id ID! |
jobName String! |
jobDescription String! |
locationPreference LocationPreference! |
status ContractStatus! |
startDate Date |
endDate Date |
address String |
currency Currency! |
rateType RateType |
rate Float |
purchaseOrderNumber String |
companyCvr StringFor more information, visit: https://datacvr.virk.dk |
pdfUrl URLThis URL will link to a PDF for the contract. This URL cannot be used for saving in external systems as it might change over time or be regenerated. If a permanent URL is needed for the contract, it should be stored in the clients own system. |
paymentTermMethod PaymentTermMethod! |
paymentTerm Int!Example paymentTerm: 10 means Worksome will pay the freelancers approved bills within 10 days. |
termsAccepted Boolean! |
termsAcceptedAt DateTime |
workerAcceptedAt DateTime |
workerSignature String |
job Job! |
worker Worker! |
company Company! |
businessEntity BusinessEntity |
A paginated list of Contract items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Contract!]! |
A conversation between a company and a worker.
Fields |
id ID! |
subject String! |
job Job |
latestMessage Message |
url URL! |
createdAt Date! |
closedAt Date |
messages MessagePaginator! |
participants ParticipantPaginator! |
A paginated list of Conversation items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Conversation!]! |
A country.
Fields |
isoCode String!This is a two-letter country identifier (e.g. US). |
name String |
The response from creating a custom timesheet.
Fields |
providedRegistrations Int! |
successfulRegistrations Int! |
A response with data from the export creation.
Fields |
status ExportResponseStatus! |
message String! |
A custom field.
Fields |
id ID! |
user User! |
account Account! |
title String! |
slug String |
description String |
fieldType CustomFieldType! |
appliesTo TypeSupportingCustomFieldValues! |
customFieldOptions [CustomFieldOption!]! |
settings CustomFieldSettings!For example, validation rules. |
visibility CustomFieldVisibility! |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldValue!]! |
isUsedInFieldValues Boolean! |
rule WorkflowVariableRule |
approval Boolean! |
viewerCanUpdate Boolean! |
apiOnly Boolean! |
viewerCanManageFieldValues Boolean! |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
deletedAt DateTime |
A custom field option.
Fields |
id ID! |
customField CustomField! |
displayOrder Int!This is an unsigned integer. |
value String! |
A paginated list of CustomField items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [CustomField!]! |
The settings for a custom field.
Fields |
validation [CustomFieldValidationRules!]! |
A custom field value.
Those represents the custom fields value filled for an entity supporting custom fields.
e.g: You’ve defined a free-text “sector” custom field applying to Job
entities. Say you have a job which is in the “IT” sector. You’d need to create a custom field value with field_id = <sector field id>
, and content = "IT"
Fields |
id ID! |
account Account! |
user User! |
appliesTo SupportsCustomFieldValue! |
customField CustomField! |
customFieldOption CustomFieldOptionThis will be present for a single-select field type. |
content StringThis will be present for a free-text field type. |
displayValue StringThis gives a “human” representation of the custom field value no matter the field type. For example, this will return content for a free-text value, or will return the custom field option value for a single-select value. |
An expense.
Fields |
id ID! |
description String |
currency Currency! |
amount Float! |
vendor String! |
expenseAt DateTime! |
createdAt DateTime! |
A paginated list of Expense items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Expense!]! |
An expense report.
Fields |
id ID! |
title String |
description String |
total Float! |
isDraft Boolean! |
createdAt DateTime |
expenses ExpensePaginator! |
A paginated list of ExpenseReport items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [ExpenseReport!]! |
A file.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
size Int! |
mimeType String! |
owner Account! |
url String!This URL cannot be used for saving in external systems as it might change over time or be regenerated. If a permanent URL is needed for the file, it should be stored in the clients own system. |
A paginated list of File items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [File!]! |
Contains information about the user who was forcefully logged out.
Fields |
user User! |
revokedTokens [Token!]! |
A representation of a hiring on a job between parties.
Usually a hire is between a worker and a company on a job created by a company. A hire is not a legal document, it is simply used to show that the parties have agreed to work together. The contracts which can be found on the hire is however a legal document.
Fields |
id ID! |
number String! |
latestContract Contract!The latest contract could for example be a draft, if one of the parties wanted to make changes to the currently active contract. see hire.activeContract for the current active one. |
activeContract ContractThis has been accepted by all parties and is the active legal document between them. |
company Company! |
job Job! |
recruiter Recruiter |
classificationResult ClassificationResult! Deprecated |
classificationLabel String Deprecated |
classificationPdfUrl String! DeprecatedThis URL will link to a PDF for the classification result is present. This URL cannot be used for saving in external systems as it might change over time or be regenerated. If a permanent URL is needed for the classification result, it should be stored in the clients own system. |
worker Worker! |
conversation Conversation! |
createdAt Date! |
dateStart Date Deprecated |
dateEnd Date Deprecated |
startDate Date |
endDate Date |
recruiterOwnershipStartDate Date |
recruiterFee Percentage |
recruiterOwnershipDays Int |
recruiterOwnershipIsExpired Boolean |
recruiterOwnershipDaysLeft Int |
currency String! |
rate Float |
rateType String |
status HireStatus! |
offeredAt Date |
externalIdentifier String |
purchaseOrderNumber String |
recruiterManagesWorkers Boolean |
contracts ContractPaginator!These are legal documents, however it can contain old contracts and drafts also. |
paymentRequests PaymentRequestPaginator! |
A paginated list of Hire items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Hire!]! |
An industry.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
A paginated list of Industry items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Industry!]! |
An invoice.
An invoice gets created when one or more worker payment requests gets approved by a company user.
The invoice defines the amount due and is to be paid to Worksome by the company.
Fields |
id ID! |
number StringThis is usually printed on the invoice itself and should be used by booking system and finance departments. The invoice number is in a human readable format. |
pdfUrl URL!This URL will link to a PDF for the invoice. This URL cannot be used for saving in external systems as it might change over time or be regenerated. If a permanent URL is needed for the invoice, it should be stored in the clients own system. |
currency Currency! |
grossAmount Float! |
grossOpenAmount Float! |
taxAmount Float! |
netAmount Float! |
markedPaidAt DateThis date might vary from the actual date it was paid, as it takes time for a payment to go through and be validated. |
dueDate Date! |
company Company! |
date Date! |
isBatched Boolean!A batch invoice aggregates multiple payment requests together in one, summarised invoice over a period of time. This reduces the overhead of processing high volumes of payment requests and corresponding invoices. |
transactionType InvoiceTransactionType! |
isFullyCredited Boolean! |
creditNotes [Invoice!]! |
originalInvoice Invoice |
rows InvoiceRowPaginator!This can be used to gather more information about the invoice then just overall amount. |
A paginated list of Invoice items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Invoice!]! |
A row on the invoice.
Fields |
id ID! |
paymentRequest PaymentRequest |
worker Worker |
customText String |
A paginated list of InvoiceRow items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [InvoiceRow!]! |
A job that a company has created on Worksome.
Fields |
id ID! |
number Int! |
name String! |
skills [Skill!]! |
description String |
market MarketCode! |
address String Deprecated |
location Address! |
currency Currency! |
rateType RateType |
rate Float |
minimumRate Float |
maximumRate Float |
paymentScheme PaymentScheme Deprecated |
companyFee StrictPercentage |
workerFee StrictPercentage |
association Association |
project Project |
internalBudget Float |
spent Float!Only enterprise company owning the job could access the budget. |
expectedExperienceLevel [ExpectedExperienceLevel!]! |
locationPreference LocationPreference |
startDate Date |
startDateTimeframe JobStartTimeframe |
endDateTimeframe JobEndTimeframe |
endDate Date |
attachments [File!]! |
isExtensionAvailable Boolean |
evaluationPeriod EvaluationPeriod |
languages [Language!]! |
industries [Industry!]! |
requiredWorkers IntIf excluded, the default is 1 profile. |
owners [User!]! |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldValue!]!Details specified in this will only be visible to you and your team members, not to workers. |
visibility [JobVisibility!]! |
approved Boolean! |
available Boolean! |
paused Boolean! |
completed Boolean! |
published Boolean! |
removed Boolean! |
removedCause String |
publishedAt DateTime |
company Company! |
region String |
url URL! |
viewerCanDelete Boolean! |
viewerCanEdit Boolean! |
viewerCanShare Boolean! |
viewerCanCreateJobCandidate Boolean! |
viewerCanCreateHire Boolean! |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
isForContacts Boolean! |
isForRecruiters Boolean! |
isForMarketplace Boolean! |
externalIdentifier String |
canBePublished Boolean! |
hires HirePaginator! |
conversations ConversationPaginator! |
notes NotePaginator! |
paymentRequests PaymentRequestPaginator! |
bids BidPaginator! |
shares JobSharePaginator! |
The relation between a job and a worker, making them a candidate for the job.
Fields |
id ID! |
job Job! |
worker Worker! |
bid Bid |
hire Hire |
jobShare JobShare |
sourcingChannel SourcingChannel! |
owner Account |
step JobCandidateHiringStep! |
status JobCandidateStatus! |
statusReason JobCandidateStatusReason |
statusComment String |
isPreferred Boolean! |
statusSetByUser User! |
stepSetByUser User! |
createdAt DateTime! |
createdByUser User! |
updatedAt DateTime |
updatedByUser User |
viewerCanUpdateStatus Boolean! |
viewerCanUpdatePreferred Boolean! |
A paginated list of JobCandidate items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [JobCandidate!]! |
A paginated list of Job items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Job!]! |
The contacts that the job was shared with.
Fields |
id ID! |
account JobShareableAccount! |
isActive Boolean! |
job Job! |
A paginated list of JobShare items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [JobShare!]! |
A language that is required for a job.
Fields |
name LanguageName! |
experience Fluency! |
A legacy timesheet.
This is only for internal use within the Worksome platform.
Fields |
format LegacyTimesheetType Deprecated |
html String Deprecated |
A link on a profile.
Fields |
title String! |
url URL! |
A market.
Fields |
code MarketCode! |
name String! |
A message as part of a conversation.
Fields |
id ID! |
body String |
author User |
url URL! |
A paginated list of Message items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Message!]! |
A paginated list of MultiFactor items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [MultiFactor!]! |
A note for an entity.
Fields |
id ID! |
title String! |
body String! |
author User! |
notable Notable! |
account Account! |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
viewerCanUpdate Boolean! |
viewerCanDelete Boolean! |
A paginated list of Note items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Note!]! |
An organisation.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
market MarketCode! |
avatar URL |
divisions CompanyPaginator! |
A paginated list of Organisation items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Organisation!]! |
An overtime.
Fields |
id ID! |
type OvertimeType! |
duration Float! |
rate Float! |
rateMultiplier Float! |
total Int! |
worker Worker |
paymentRequest PaymentRequest |
timesheet Timesheet! |
contributingPaymentRequestNumbers [ID!]! |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
A paginated list of Overtime items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Overtime!]! |
Information about pagination using a fully featured paginator.
Fields |
count Int! |
currentPage Int! |
firstItem Int |
hasMorePages Boolean! |
lastItem Int |
lastPage Int! |
perPage Int! |
total Int! |
A participant in a conversation.
Fields |
id ID! |
conversation Conversation! |
account Account! |
A paginated list of Participant items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Participant!]! |
A payment request.
Fields |
id ID! |
worker Worker! |
recruiter Recruiter |
company Company! |
number String! |
purchaseOrderNumber String |
startDate Date |
endDate Date |
currency Currency! |
rate Float |
rateType RateType |
rateTypeName String! |
ratetypeNameSlash String |
rateQuantity Float!The rate type can be seen by looking at PaymentRequest.rateType and the rate can be seen by looking at PaymentRequest.rate . |
serviceAmount Float! |
expensesAmount Float! |
netAmount Float! |
grossAmount Float! |
recruiterFeeAmount Float!Only the company and recruiter can see this. |
employmentCostAmount Float!Only the Company can see this. |
billedAmount Float! |
billedAmountWithExpenses Float! |
date Date! |
manuallyApprovedAt Date |
approvedBy User |
autoApprovedAt Date |
rejectedAt Date |
prepaidAt Date |
issuedAt Date |
cancelledAt Date |
paidAt Date |
payrolledAt Date |
dueAt Date |
completedAt Date |
processedAt Date |
hire Hire |
job Job! |
message Message |
comments String |
workerStatus PaymentRequestWorkerStatus! |
timesheet Timesheet |
legacyTimesheet LegacyTimesheet DeprecatedThis is only for internal use within the Worksome platform. |
files FilePaginator!There could potentially be a timesheet stored as a separate file. |
expenseReports ExpenseReportPaginator! |
overtimes OvertimePaginator! |
supplierInvoices SupplierInvoicePaginator!Supplier invoices are only available to suppliers. |
A paginated list of PaymentRequest items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [PaymentRequest!]! |
A profile.
Fields |
id ID! |
url URL! |
links [Link!]! |
A project with a budget containing one or more jobs.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
description String |
currency Currency! |
creator User! |
company Company! |
internalBudget Decimal |
allocatedBudget Decimal! |
spent Decimal! |
endDate DateIf this is set to null , we will assume that the project is not yet ended but active. |
owners [User!]! |
externalIdentifier String |
jobs JobPaginator! |
A paginated list of Project items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Project!]! |
A recruiter.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
market Market! |
initials String! |
avatar URL |
owner User |
A recruiter candidate relationship.
Fields |
id ID! |
recruiter Recruiter! |
worker Worker! |
email String |
status ContactStatus! |
token String |
rate Float |
jobTitle String |
links [String!]! |
tags [Tag!]! |
files FilePaginator! |
A paginated list of RecruiterCandidate items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [RecruiterCandidate!]! |
A paginated list of Recruiter items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Recruiter!]! |
A skill that is required for a job.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
A paginated list of Skill items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Skill!]! |
A response payload for a newly-created SMS multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
multiFactor SmsMultiFactor! |
An SMS multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
phoneNumber E164PhoneNumber! |
status Status! |
owner User! |
verifiedAt DateTime |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
A supplier invoice.
The invoice defines the amount due and is to be paid to the worker.
Fields |
id ID! |
number StringThis is usually printed on the supplier invoice itself and should be used by booking system and finance departments. The supplier invoice number is in a human readable format. |
pdfUrl URL!This URL will link to a PDF for the supplier invoice. This URL cannot be used for saving in external systems as it might change over time or be regenerated. If a permanent URL is needed for the supplier invoice, it should be stored in the clients own system. |
A paginated list of SupplierInvoice items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [SupplierInvoice!]! |
A tag.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String |
A paginated list of Tag items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Tag!]! |
The details for a temporary file upload.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
url URL!The temporary URL will expire after 1 week. |
A timesheet.
Fields |
id ID! |
worker Worker |
hire Hire |
startDate Date |
endDate Date |
createdAt DateTime! |
paymentRequests PaymentRequestPaginator! |
registrations TimesheetRegistrationPaginator! |
overtimes OvertimePaginator! |
A paginated list of Timesheet items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Timesheet!]! |
A registration for a timesheet.
Fields |
id ID! |
type TimesheetRegistrationType! |
date Date! |
startTime Time |
endTime Time |
duration Float! |
unit TimesheetRegistrationDurationUnit! |
comments String |
invoiceReferenceNumber String |
externalIdentifier String |
isBillable Boolean |
A paginated list of TimesheetRegistration items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [TimesheetRegistration!]! |
Contains information about an authentication token.
Fields |
jti String! |
A response payload for a newly-created TOTP multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
multiFactor TotpMultiFactor! |
secret String! |
qrCode URL!This is not the QR Code itself, but the URL that the QR code should contain. The URL is in otpauth format. |
A TOTP multi-factor authentication implementation.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
status Status! |
owner User! |
verifiedAt DateTime |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
A trusted contact.
Fields |
id ID! |
worker Worker! |
company Company! |
invitedByUser UserA null value here means the trusted contact was automatically added by a process. |
viewerCanApprove Boolean! |
viewerCanUpdate Boolean! |
viewerCanDelete Boolean! |
viewerCanReInvite Boolean! |
links [String!]! |
attachments [File!]! |
skills [Skill!]! |
managedStatus String |
status ContactStatus! |
statusUpdatedAt Date! |
invitedAt Date! |
externalIdentifier String |
origin TrustedContactOrigin! |
originChannel TrustedContactOriginChannel! |
customFieldValues [CustomFieldValue!]! |
tags TagPaginator! Deprecated |
notes NotePaginator! |
A paginated list of TrustedContact items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [TrustedContact!]! |
Account of a person who utilizes this application.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
email String! |
emailVerifiedAt DateTime |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
canCreatePassword Boolean!The user might not be allowed if they already have a password, in which case they should use updatePassword or if they have SAML on their account. |
missingAuthentication Boolean!This will check that the user has no password, social, SAML etc. way of authenticating into their account. |
hasVerifiedEmail Boolean! |
avatar URL |
A user group.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
description String |
company Company! |
status UserGroupStatus! |
users UserPaginator! |
A paginated list of UserGroup items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [UserGroup!]! |
A paginated list of User items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [User!]! |
The webhook definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
title String! |
description String |
url String! |
secret String |
isActive Boolean |
clientId String |
clientSecret String |
clientUrl String |
createdAt DateTime! |
updatedAt DateTime! |
A paginated list of Webhook items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Webhook!]! |
A worker.
Fields |
id ID! |
name String! |
firstName String! |
lastName String! |
middleName String |
email String |
phone String |
avatar URL |
address Address |
market Market! |
skills [Skill!]! |
profile Profile |
jobTitle String |
initials String! |
currency String! |
dayRate Float |
rtwVerifiedAt DateTime |
rtwExpiresAt DateTime |
hiresWithAttribution [Hire!]! |
primaryBusinessEntity BusinessEntity |
totalPaid Float! |
viewerIsClient BooleanOnly companies can see this. |
viewerCanContact Boolean! |
viewerCanOfferJob Boolean! |
isCurrentlyHired Boolean! |
businessEntities BusinessEntityPaginator! |
hires HirePaginator! |
The workflow definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
nodes [Nodeable!]! |
A paginated list of Workflow items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [Workflow!]! |
The workflow variable option.
Fields |
displayOrder Int! |
label String! |
value String! |
The workflow variable for a variable of type option.
Fields |
id ID! |
title String! |
description String |
operators [WorkflowVariableOperator!]! |
options [WorkflowVariableOption!]! |
A paginated list of WorkflowVariable items.
Fields |
paginatorInfo PaginatorInfo! |
data [WorkflowVariable!]! |
The workflow variable rule definition.
Fields |
id ID! |
fieldId String! |
approvalRule ApprovalRule! |
variable WorkflowVariable! |
operator WorkflowVariableOperator! |
value String! |
createdAt Date! |
updatedAt Date! |
The workflow variable for a variable of type string.
Fields |
id ID! |
title String! |
description String |
operators [WorkflowVariableOperator!]! |