Trusted Contact Updated

This event is triggered when a trusted contact is updated. This includes things like contact information, skills etc.

The payload includes a selection of objects with fields that allow you to identify the worker and trusted contact relationship. To update your system when this event happens, you should make an API call to fetch the information you need.

The payload does explicitly not include any information about what was changed about the trusted contact.

Webhook payload

The payload contains the following fields and objects:

    "event": "trustedContactUpdated",
    "data": {
        "trustedContact": {},
        "worker": {}

Event Identifier

The event field contains trustedContactUpdated as the identifier for this webhook.

Event Data

The data object contains the trustedContact and worker objects for the event.

Trusted Contact Object

The trustedContact object has fields with the worker’s data in relation the client.

Fields named here are always present.

Trusted Contact fields
id is the ID that refers to the trusted contact in the Worksome platform, and you can query the API for the full details using this ID.
accountId is the ID that refers to the company account in the Worksome platform, and you can query the API for the full details using this ID.
externalIdentifier is an identifier associated with the trusted contact from an external system. This may be null if no external identifier is defined.
status is the status of the invitation to the talent pool. Possible values are “invited”, “accepted”, “declined”.

Worker Object

The worker object has fields identifying the worker and most important details.

Fields named here are always present.

Worker fields
id is the ID that refers to the worker in the platform. You can query the API for the full details using this ID.
name is the full name of the worker.
firstName is the first name of the worker.
lastName is the last name of the worker.
middleName is the middle name of the worker.
email is the email for the worker.
phone is the phone number of the worker.
location is the location of the Worker as an object. The object includes name, address, city, zipcode, country, county, state.
businessEntity is details for the Worker’s business entity as an object. The object includes entity_type, label, company_no, company_name and tax_no.

Payload example

    "event": "trustedContactUpdated",
    "data": {
        "trustedContact": {
            "id": "VHJ1c3RlZENvbnRhY3Q6MzA=",
            "accountId": "Q29tcGFueTo0MjAK",
            "externalIdentifier": "d05fc13d-156e-4cc6-b325-a42e20f721c5",
            "status": "invited"
        "worker": {
            "id": "V29ya2VyOjIzNDU2",
            "name": "Peter Bishop",
            "firstName": "Peter",
            "lastName": "Bishop",
            "middleName": "",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "phone": "+16955024",
            "location": {
                "name": "Home address",
                "address": "150 Maplewood Drive, Suite 200",
                "city": "Springfield",
                "zipcode": "62704",
                "country": "US",
                "county": "",
                "state": "IL"
            "businessEntity": {
                "entity_type": "common_business",
                "label": "Bishop Ltd.",
                "company_no": "987654321",
                "company_name": "Bishop Ltd.",
                "tax_no": "ST-1234567890"